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Search Results for: Ultrafast Pulse Compression Mirrors (13)

Schwarz Mirrors

Schwarz Mirrors eliminate stray light using black, engineered fused silica substrates that maintain desired characteristics while absorbing unwanted light.

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Ultrafast Laser Applications: Short Pulse Revolution

Join representatives from Edmund Optics, TOPTICA Photonics, and Rochester Institute of Technology for a virtual discussion about the key benefits of ultrafast lasers and how they are revolutionizing fields as diverse as brain imaging and glass polishing.

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Pulse Compression and Dispersion Compensation for Ultrafast Lasers

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High Reflectivity Mirrors for Laser Applications

Edmund Optics' panel of laser optics experts discuss why the industry standard of measuring transmission to infer the reflectivity of high reflectivity laser mirrors doesn’t tell the whole story.

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Choosing the Right Lasers and Optics for Ultrafast Microscopy

Join us for a discussion on selecting the best ultrafast laser sources and optical components for your ultrafast microscopy system to maximize performance.

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Learn how Highly-Dispersive Mirrors compensate for dispersion and compress pulse duration in ultrafast laser systems, which is critical for maximizing performance.

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Specialized coatings can minimize thermal lensing in ultrafast laser systems, which are particularly susceptible to detrimental thermal effects.

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Reflective Laser Beam Shaping

Beam Shaping for High Power and Short Pulse Durations

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Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) or Laser Damage Threshold (LDT) are crucial for selecting or specifying laser optics. Learn more at Edmund Optics!

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Laser optics high reflectivity mirrors meet exceptional specifications that Edmund Optics' competitors often fail to meet. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Seeing around corners is no longer science fiction thanks to ultrafast lasers and sensitive cameras

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